They were proud of the fact that their country is religiously tolerant. They went to school with people of many different religious backgrounds. They told me that they believed their country had a good chance of remaining peaceful because they grew up being friends with people from different religions. (This belief was very strong in spite of the fact that one of them was living in the United States by choice as political refugee and the other was the son and grandson of refugees.)
I come from a very conservative evangelical Christian background which has long felt too narrow for the world in which I find myself. I was fascinated by their very different understanding of Christianity, the bible and what it means to practice their faith. I asked them about conversion. Does anyone ever change from one religion to another or does anyone ever fall in love with someone from a different religion? Apparently this does happen occasionally, but it is a very big problem. Although they go to school with each other, each religion lives in a separate part of town and they all have last names that identify their religion. Each of them had relatives who had married into another faith tradition and I got the idea that those relatives were not really welcomed into their families anymore.
This struck me as both more and less tolerant than my own evangelical tradition. I grew up believing that I had a moral mandate to convert everyone I met - for their own good! It was unthinkable for me to pass up an opportunity to save someone from the fires of hell. So religious tolerance in my youth was practically non-existent. On the other hand, I can't imagine abandoning a relative because they married a non-Christian or choosing what house I buy based on the religion of my neighbors!
It seemed to me that they were saying that peace and religious tolerance were preserved by a careful balance of "separate but equal." This flew in the face of everything I had learned as a child about the importance of saving everyone we met. I asked them what they thought happened to their Muslim friends when they died. They both looked at me blankly as if the question had never occurred to them. Then one of them said thoughtfully, "Well, I suppose they go to their own heaven."
This conversation was a real turning point for me. I certainly didn't become an expert on Phoenician Christianity in one conversation! But I learned it is possible to agree and disagree without desiring to change another. It is possible to learn something new without accepting everything you hear the other person say. It is possible to appreciate and respect a point of view you do not entirely share. It is actually delightful to have a conversation with people who are different from me, to understand them a little better and to see myself a bit more clearly and walk away without changing them at all.
That conversation was many years ago. I have had so many great experiences in my life and have allowed them to mold me. I have learned to be myself among so many different kinds of people and revel in the differences. I think true tolerance must be based on that "I Thou" principle. I know who I am and I love who you are and I celebrate the fact that we are not the same.
This is true especially in my marriage. Charley is eternally someone different not only from me, but also from who he was yesterday! And yet he is firmly committed to the idea that we are exactly the same. And that's really okay with me.
This is true especially in my marriage. Charley is eternally someone different not only from me, but also from who he was yesterday! And yet he is firmly committed to the idea that we are exactly the same. And that's really okay with me.