I spend a lot of time and energy pretending we're just like everyone else. Sam may be short, but he's other wise normal. But that's just denial. It isn't normal for a mom to change her 27 year old son's diapers for one thing. It isn't normal for a 27 year old son and his mom to have such a GREAT time singing along with Elmo. Every year we have what's called a "Staffing" at Esperanza and it starts with a conversation about his strengths. The first thing mentioned every year regardless of who is participating is his smile. He really warms a room. The second is usually something about his delight in buttons and things that vibrate.
He misses about half of the school year because I just can't get all the things balanced that are required to keep him healthy. So just for a minute, I'd like to "go public" with what I have to do every day to keep him going. First of all there's food. I have to puree every thing and thicken most liquids before he gets them. But he doesn't like baby food or food that looks or tastes boring. So I have to figure out ways to make pureed food look good. We also go out to dinner a lot because he always eats well at restaurants. There's a limited amount of things he can eat at restaurants. He usually has a cheese omelete and pancakes drenched in butter and syrup. I make sure he gets 3 Ensure or Boost a day.
I change him, dress him, brush his teeth, wash him and clean up his messes. I try to figure out things to keep him occupied besides watching videos and sitting on his bed all day with a vibrating toothbrush. He WILL sit on his bed and drool with a toothbrush unless I motivate him to do something else.
His medical issues require several machines to keep him going.
First: Sleep Apnea. He needs to get at least 4 hours of good sleep in every 24 or he will get very sick. Unfortunately, it's usually somewhere between 4 am and 1pm. I've been trying to adjust this pattern his whole life with only partial success. We tried all last year to get him used to the bi-pap machine in the hopes that this would help him sleep more. I tried putting it on him when he went to bed. He would wear it until I left the room. I tried putting it on him an hour after he went to sleep. But that meant staying up until he went to sleep. And he doesn't go to sleep until early morning. So I tried going to bed and getting up at 4 am and putting it on. He wore it for a while, but it was always off when I got up at 6. So I tried putting it on at 6. This worked for awhile. But eventually he just started getting up at 6 with me. So I went back to getting up at 4 and he got so he would rip it off the instant I put it on him. I leaving the machine (which is very loud) on with out putting it on him for a couple of nights and then putting it on him again. But he still took it off the minute my back was turned. I started seeing snakes in the corner of the room and crying at nothing at all and basically losing my mind from lack of sleep. So now I check his oxygen at night and if it's low, I put him on oxygen all night. He tolerates that okay. I also check it at 6 am to be sure it isn't low. It is usually fine. I want it to be between 89 and 95. If it gets too high, the brain thinks it can stop breathing and that makes the CO2 levels go up.
The biggest danger from sleep apnea is the CO2 blood level that develops which can actually kill you if it gets too high. He recently had an arterial blood gas test which showed that his CO2 level is the same as it was a year ago. I think this means that there's no point in continuing to try to adjust to the bi-pap machine and I'm going to ask the doctor if we can get rid of it. Then we can go back to the same problems we've had his whole life - which in retrospect were better than this last year when I was trying so hard to fix them! I think his CO2 levels have been gradually rising over his entire life and we should continue to monitor them. When and if they get significantly higher, we'll re-address the bi-pap machine and even consider a respirator that connects to his throat at night.
Second: Bronchiectsasis. He frequently has so much mucus that he can't breathe and gathers in huge quantities in his lungs making it difficult to breathe and easy to develop pneumonia. This is not cystic fibrosis but it is very similar. We don't know why he develops so much mucus. We have a number of machines to address this problem and they must be done in the morning when he wakes up and at night before bed and sometimes when he gets home from school. Going through the whole routine can take 30-45 minutes. But even when I do them faithfully, he still gets too much mucus sometimes and then I have to keep him home to monitor him. We have a nebulizer through which we give him medication to open his lungs up and make them stronger. We have a nasal wash machine and we have a chest vibrator that was developed for children with cysctic fibrosis. We also do a lot of manual chest PT. We have a suction device to help when he's got stuff stuck in the back of his throat. (Mostly mucus)
Third: Aspiration and swallowing difficulties. We had a swallow study done this summer and discovered that WHEN HE IS FED CAREFULLY he doesn't aspirate food. Obviously, aspirating food into his lungs is a very dangerous thing because he already has challenges in his lungs. HOWEVER if he is given thickened liquids or liquids in a commuter mug or sippy cup and purreed or very soft foods, he doesn't aspirate. Cake and donuts must ALWAYS be made soggy before he eats them. He must not have anything "crumbly" because it is easy to aspirate. There is a Mexican cake called Dulce de Tres Leche that is the perfect consistency. I always think of that cake when I am adding liquid to his cakes. For example, when we go to Starbucks, I order him a Traditional coffee Cake and a Mocha frappichino in the bottle. Then I pour the frappichino into the coffee cake until it is soggy. It tastes like Tiramisu and he can eat it just fine.
Food does go up his nose if he has more than about a teaspoon full of food in his mouth at a time or if it is the wrong consistency. This means more mucus, infected ears and possibly aspiration into his lungs although this has not been seen in the tests. Again, careful monitoring of his eating is essential. We are considering botox treatments to decrease the amount of saliva in his mouth hoping that helps. But insurance may not pay for it.
So he gets sick when his lungs are compromised by aspiration or just an accumulation of mucus or when he hasn't been getting enough quality sleep. He also gets sick when his weight goes below 75 pounds. (This makes my grocery shopping odd - I buy low calorie, low fat stuff for me and the opposite for him. And try not to eat his food!)
I also take him to Target and we look at stuff for hours and then we meet Eileen at Starbucks. See, it's not all work and no play!
Okay. So I've said it. Now I'll go back to pretending this is just a lot of fun.
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